ASUNM Emerging Lobo Leaders: Bios

Executive Director


Frankie Gonzales

Frankie is a junior majoring in Financial Management at the Anderson School of Management. He began in the ASUNM Emerging Lobo Leaders (ELL) program as a freshman participant and was hired as the Assistant Director his sophomore year. He is a member of the Greek Life community at UNM as well as being actively involved in many campus events and programs. He was selected as the Executive Director of ELL for the 2012-13 year and has designed a program which will be highly interactive, informative and fun! If you have any questions about ELL, ASUNM or UNM in general please send an email message to Frankie at

Assistant Director


Divana Olivas

Divana is a sophomore majoring in International Studies at the College of Arts and Sciences. She is a graduate of the Spring 2012 Emerging Lobo Leaders class. She is actively involved in the Residence Life community on campus, as well as other organizations including Trailblazers. She was appointed as Assistant Director of ELL for the 2012-2013 year and is looking forward to making it a fun and informative year alongside Frankie! If you have any questions about ELL, ASUNM, or UNM in general please send an email to Divana at


Advanced Lobo Leaders Assistant Director


Arthur Armijo

Arthur is a sophomore majoring in Biology and minoring in Chemistry at the College of Arts and Sciences, with intentions on attending Medical School. He is a graduate of the Fall of 2011 Emerging Lobo Leader class and also served as a Spring 2012 Emerging Lobo Mentor. He is highly involved in student organizations on campus, particularly the Greek Life community and Student Housing, and also volunteers at Lovelace Medical Center. He was appointed the Advanced Lobo Leader Chair for the 2012-2013 academic year and is excited for a successful and fun year with the ELL graduates. If you have any questions about ALL, ASUNM, or UNM in general, please send an email to Arthur at


Emerging Lobo Leaders

Our Fall Class has been selected! Check back for the application process for Spring 2013.


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